Ha Ha………………

You-have-to- laugh-cover

Golf can sometimes be taken too seriously.

Here you have to laugh.

  1. What should you do if your round of golf is interrupted by a lightning storm? Walk around holding your 1-iron above your head, because even Mother Nature can’t hit a 1-iron.
  2. Golf balls are like eggs. They’re white, sold by the dozen, and a week later you have to buy some more.
  3. What do you call an angry golfer?
    Teed off!
  4. In golf, people tend to get their numbers mixed up. They shoot a “six,” yell “fore,” and write “five.”
  5. Golfer: The doctor says I can’t play golf. Caddie: Oh, he’s played with with you, too, eh?
  6. Q: When is the course too wet to play golf?
    A: When your golf cart capsizes.
  7. Golfer: I’d move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course.
    Caddie: Try heaven. You’ve already moved most of the earth.
  8. Brand new golf balls are attracted to water, and the power of the attraction is in direct proportion to how much the balls cost.
  9. Hear the one about the bad-tempered golfer who bought a new set of TaylorMade R7 clubs. After playing with them for a couple of rounds he returned to his pro shop and told the pro, “These were the best clubs I have ever played with. In fact, I can throw these clubs 40-yards further than my old ones!”
  10. “Caddy, why do you keep looking at your watch?” asked the curious golfer.” It’s not a watch, sir. It’s a compass”

Please feel free to email [email protected] with some of your own gems, and we will post them on our website. Keep them clean!!!


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